How to manage revenue accounts

Revenue accounts are company operational accounts used to manage the assets earned from providing services.
There are several system account types such as:

  1. liquidity
  2. revenue
  3. accumulating liquidities
  4. accumulating clients
  5. undelivered
  6. private
  7. corporate
  8. debt
  9. private revenue
  10. corporate revenue.
  1. To add a revenue account, please proceed with 1 of 2 possible directions:
    1. 1.1 Accounts > Customer accounts > New account.
  1. 1.2 Customers > Reistered > Profile ID > Accounts > New account.
  1. In order to create a new revenue account you should press the New Account button. Fill in the customer’s name and all the other spaces, choosing Customer Revenue account type.
  2. The page with the account will be available after filling in all the required information:
    Liquidity Pool
    Liquidity Account
    IBAN (if it need according to selected liquidity account settings)
    Account Name
    Account Tariff
    Account type
  1. To create a new system payment find the field System transfers on the left in the Menu and click on it. Then, choose Revenue to Internal Account.
  1. The first step is to choose a Revenue account, then to fill in Customer Name. Then, you should choose Customer Account and Currency. Now enter Amount and Purpose of payment.
  1. The second step is to check the information and press the Confirm button. If you made a mistake, you can press the Back button and rewrite.
  1. Congratulations! You have done the payment successfully. You can Create a New one or Explore Transfer History.